Thursday 6 August 2009

Mexico: 5 farmers arrested during DF police operation

Translated from the EZLN Committee of the 6th declaration webpage

Aug 6, 2009

We reject and we condemn the actions of stealing of land and repression of the Government of the Federal District against coop members and peasants of Tláhuac.

The signatories we reject the repression against members of the Front of Villages of the Anáhuac during the operation ordered by the government of the Federal District this August 5, 2009, in the village of San Francisco Tlaltenco, Tláhuac, Mexico City.

Despite of having legal resources that protected them, farmers and coop members were violently ousted of their own land by an impressive operation of grenadiers and mounted police, taking prisoners 5 people, including a minor.

The GFD intends to legalize the stealing of lands, ignoring the environmentalist organizations warning calls, the refusal of the neighbors of Tláhuac and of many other citizens that we understand the importance that Tláhuac has as nature reserve because of its productive cooperatives of indispensable food for Mexico City and as a zone producing the 30% of the drinking water supplied to the city.

The line 12 of the Metro does not mean necessarily development or progress. It forms part of an ambitious urbanization plan of the southern-east part of the city, of which businessmen and politicians intend to obtain benefit. It's indispensable a public debate on the nature, reason, effects and environmental and social costs of these megaprojects.

We protest energetically against this action of stealing of land, we require the immediate liberty of the persons under arrest and we support the coop members and residents of Tláhuac that are opposed to the megaproject.

Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores a la Presa la Parota (CECOP), Coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias (CRAC) Consejo Autónomo Regional de la Zona Costa-Chiapas , Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca-Ricardo Flores Magón, Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT), Frente Popular Francisco Villa Independiente-UNOPII, jóvenes en resistencia alternativa, Red Ecologista Autónoma de la Cuenca de México, Red en defensa de la Ciudad de México, Ecomunidades, Regeneración Radio, Resistencias Enlazando Dignidad Movimiento y Corazón Zapatista, Voces Oaxaqueñas Construyendo Autonomía y Libertad, Unidad Obrera y Socialista (UNIOS), Unión Cívica de los Pueblos de la Montaña y Costa Chica de Guerrero, Asociación Cívica Nacional Revolucionaria, Círculo Autónomo Feminista, Cooperativa 666, Taller Integral Arquitect@z, Cooperativa Libertas Anticorp, Casa de la Cultura Independiente Benito Juárez, Materu Kurhinta.